Beautiful Family { A Golden Touch Photography}

This morning I traveled out to Niagara County to photograph this darling family.  We had both beautiful weather and a beautiful backyard to have some fun.  What a sweet pair of little boys ♥  Thanks so much and Happy Birthday Dad!!

Another Birthday Boy!! {WNY Child and Family Photographer}

Kyle is turning one!!!  We braved the heat wave and to our pleasant surprise it cooled off quite nicely for our little session last night.  He is such a sweet little man, and SO mellow!  Mom, thank you so much! Mom said he wasn’t a fan of grass… He did great though and was even […]

Sunny Session { WNY Child and Family Photographer}

I met the little Miss Madison at the park yesterday.  It was a gorgeous day here in Western New York for a change.   She is a super sweet young lady and did a fantastic job.  Thank you Mom and Nana for your help.   Here are a few to preview, enjoy. A little lavender b&w […]

Sunday + Newborn = ♥♥♥ This guy was So sweet!

Perfect in every way, meet little Rykan! I got to spend some time today trying to convince him that sleep is a good thing and eventually after he ate and made a good ole’ mess he did sleep.  Yayyy!!! Here are a few for mom.  Thanks Rachel! Bare back riding 😛 Can you believe he […]

Valentines Session~Brady {WNY Child and Family Photographer}

Today I had some fun with Brady, a handsome  big brother to be.  He was charming and sweet, and I hope he had fun. Thanks mom and Grandma!  Here are a few from this morning.

Happy Holidays!

To all of my wonderful friends, family and clients.  May the holidays fill your hearts with happy moments and the new year a million more! I am so very grateful for each and every one of you, and I look forward to growing even more in my photography while capturing your most precious moments. Thank […]